Victorian Murray Floodplain Restoration Project (VMFRP)
Restoring floodplains along the Murray River to stop the decline of these iconic landscapes – and the native plants and animals that depend on them.
Project benefits
Provide a reliable breeding and feeding habitat for fish and waterbirds
Support the forest floodplain and wetland through a process of restoration
Help restore wetland plant communities and help frog and fish populations to re-establish themselves
Provide seasonal feeding opportunities for riverine fish
Support animals, such as bats and sugar gliders, through restoration of the floodplain to maintain their populations
Floodplains and wetlands have been increasingly disconnected from the Murray River over the years with population growth and river regulation. The VMFRP plans to:
- remove blockages that stop water flowing into creeks
- get much needed water back onto 9 high-value floodplains
- implement options to manage water effectively and efficiently at the 9 sites.
Water will bring new life and help 8 ecologically significant floodplains to survive and cope with future dry conditions and drought, so they can continue to be enjoyed by future generations.
The VMFRP is being implemented as part of Victoria’s obligations under the Murray–Darling Basin Plan in partnership with:
- Lower Murray Water
- Goulburn-Murray Water
- Mallee Catchment Management Authority
- North Central Catchment Management Authority
- Parks Victoria
- Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA formerly DELWP)
The VMFRP is funded by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water.
For more information, see Victorian Murray Floodplain Restoration Project website, or contact