
Updated – Water Trading Strategy 2023/24

Our Water Trading Strategy sets out how we will use our water allocation – for example, how much allocation we will sell and when. The strategy also highlights any purchasing of water share which may be undertaken in a season.

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Lower Murray Water owns bulk entitlement and water shares of approximately 33,900 ML. Our Water Trading Strategy sets out how we will use our water allocation – for example, how much allocation we will sell and when. The strategy also highlights any purchasing of water share which may be undertaken in a season.

Update – Water Share Purchases

As a part of the LMW Urban Water Strategy, LMW has adopted the position of continuing to buy Murray Zone 7 High Reliability Water Share to add to the existing Urban Bulk Entitlement to ensure that growth in our customer base is catered for into the future and to protect the region’s water supply availability should there be below 100% water allocation.

With the Urban Water Strategy objectives in mind, LMW will be seeking to purchase water shares on the open market from Murray zone 7 in the coming 6 months.

LMW will buy water share via a panel of 3 appointed water brokers. The price paid for water share will be guided from market intelligence and public pricing information shown on the Victorian Water Register.

To view the Strategy in full, please visit Water Trading Strategy.