Understand your bill
We explain how to read your urban water bill and what each part of your bill means.
There’s a lot of information on your bill – sometimes it can be hard to know where to start. Understanding how to read your bill can help you to save money on your next one. For example, you may be eligible for a concession, or learn more about your water usage and how your rates are calculated.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed or worried that you can’t pay your bill, let us know. We understand that everyone’s situation is different and that from time to time you may need support. See Help with your bill.
How to read your bill
Urban customers receive 4 bills per year. Your bill includes details of your account, water usage, charges and tariffs, payment options and payment arrangements.

You can download our guide for easy reference.
How to read your bill • PDF – 0.63mb
Water usage and prices
The prices for water and sewerage services and usage change on 1 July each year. Our prices are regulated by the Essential Services Commission (ESC). See Charges and tariffs for more information.
If your bill is higher than you expected:
- you may have used more water (this is common over summer)
- there may be a leak on your property
- we may have used an estimate for your meter reading if we couldn’t access your meter.
You can check your meter to confirm that you have been charged for the right amount of water. Your meter reading should be higher than the one shown on the back of your bill.
Amount due – How much you need to pay.
Call centre – Lower Murray Water’s contact number for enquiries and for faults and emergencies 24/7.
Compare your water usage – Your water usage for each quarter.
Concession rebates – Eligible concession card holders receive a discount on their bill. See Apply for a concession.
Consumption – How much water you use.
Credits since last notice – How much you paid toward your last bill.
Due date – When you need to pay by. If you are unable to pay the full amount by the due date, call us on 1800 808 830.
Energy and Water Ombudsman – An independent service that investigates and resolves complaints in Victoria’s electricity, gas and water sectors. If you have an issue, call us on 1800 808 830 or go to Contact us to make a complaint. We will try our best to resolve the issue.
Interpreter service – Free service to talk to an interpreter in your language. Call 13 14 50.
kL – One kilolitre (kL) equals 1,000 litres (L).
Meter details – The water meter on your property has a unique number. ‘Current read’ is the number on the water meter dial at the time we read your water meter. You can read your own meter at any time to check your water usage. See How to read your meter
Methods of payment – Different ways you can pay your bill. See Pay your bill.
Payment arrangements – Flexible payment options can be organised for customers who are having difficulty paying their bills or who would like to pay their bills in instalments. See Help with your bill.
Payment slip – The section at the bottom of the bill below the dotted line, which can be removed to pay your bill in person or by mail.
Period of usage – The period of time you’re paying for. This is shown in multiple formats, including by date, per quarter and by number of days.
Property address – The address of the property that’s linked to your account. If you need to change your mailing address, see Update my contact details.
Quarterly notice – This is the same as your bill. Urban customers receive 4 bills per year.
Rates – How much you pay for the water you use. We have a stepped pricing system, which means the more water you use, the more you pay. See Urban charges for the full list of rates.
Reference number – Unique property reference number. You will receive a separate bill for each property you own.
Service tariff – We charge service tariffs in advance. Tariffs are fixed costs that go towards maintaining, updating and developing our infrastructure, including replacing water mains and sewerage services.
Tariffs and charges notice – This is the same as your bill.
Total owing – Amount you need to pay. This includes any outstanding amounts from previous bills.
TTY – Customers who are deaf or have hearing loss or speech disability can contact us over the phone using the TTY (text telephone) service. Dial 133 677 and quote our phone number 1800 808 830.
Urban account – Residential and business customers (not rural or irrigation customers).
Utility Relief Grant Scheme – Customers who can’t pay their bill because of temporary financial crisis may be eligible for government support. See Rebates and grants.
Water by measure charge – We charge you for the water you’ve used since your last meter reading.